Under The Eagles Gaze (2019)

installation/performance/film (43 min)

Full film avaliable here


Film was made live during live stream event that took place on Facebook on 15th of January 2019. Through live editing, the film displayed clips of animals to viewers in real-time in the classic documentary manner.  It was created by using  live streams from different online webcams- film script is based on the comments written under such webcams.

Project discusses intimacy and control, exploring the utopian desire of finding the natural and the coincidental in virtual space.

More about the project


Film ustvarjen s pomočjo spletnih kamer je bil predvajan na spletu in je gledalcem z montažo v živo, v realnem času prikazoval prizore živali v slogu dokumentarnega filma. Projekt se ukvarja z intimnostjo ter nadzorom, ob enem pa raziskuje utopično željo po iskanju naravnega in nakjlučnega v vitrualnem prostoru.

Pogovor o projektu.


Narrator: Philth Malloch /Technical Assistant: Aljoša Juhart/Music: Scott Holmes- Documentary&Tv series(freemusicarchive.org)